Welcome to Brakit!

What started as a quarantine conversation evolved into this collection of bracket-based games.

Play alone. Play with friends. Have Fun!

How to Play

A little bit about the layout

Each bracket is a knockout tournament with sixty-four competitors. The tournaments are divided into four regions, which each region usually having a theme. The top two picks in each region will meet in final region, taking part in the three final rounds (Elite 8, Final 4, Championship).

Making Picks

For each matchup, click on your preferred option, and it will advance to the next round. All the picks are subjective. Use your own judgment, preferences, and life experiences to choose. Some brackets have hover photos to help remind you of what the option is; the musical ones have a Spotify widget with a playlist of all of the songs featured on the bracket, just in case you need a refresher.

Final Region

Once you made your picks for all four regions, go to the FINAL region and pick your winning option. When you pick an overall winner, click on it, and an alert box will appear confirming your winning pick.

Ready to get Started?

Go to the menu at the top of the page, and pick a bracket from the categories given.

Contact us at the email below with suggestions for future brackets!